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Relief print


Relief print

Vectorized print data
600 - 1200

Feel your advertising message. With the relief print any logo becomes tangible. Additional to normal pad, silk or digital printing the logo will be covered by a clear UV lacquer. The additional lacquer gives the logo a visual 3D effect and a special glance.

Printing specifications

If you supply a screen print film, please make sure that the registration marks are correct and that you have set the film to 1:1. If the sent-in films are not structured accordingly, we must correct them. This will incur an additional fee.

uma is able to run the following applications:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign

When printing on objects, we need exact details of the print colours (see list of our standard print colours below).

For some coloured, transparent and frosted writing instruments, we recommend a preprint with a white background (i.e. an additional colour first) to ensure the best printing results.

Print colours according to which uma can print:

  • Pantone (PMS)
  • HKS 
  • RAL
  • Gradations from black in steps of 10% (e.g. 80% black)

Media for data transfer

For security reasons and for questions we may have, we ask that you state your company name, telephone number and order number when transferring data.

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© uma Schreibgeräte Ullmann GmbH